Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Galaxies Collide

Okay enough of this sporadic blogging! Clearly nothing that interesting has been going on..?? Or perhaps waay too many things that I just can't capture it all on film...you decide.

No but really with work/traveling/apt hunting, I have been completely MIA and hope to pick this blog up again very soon in full force!

However, I did want to make sure that I gave credit where credit was due, and I received a package from the lovely individuals at Galaxy Granola, and they definitely deserve 2 THUMBS UP.

Galaxy Granola is made with apple sauce instead of oil, so the calorie content and nutritional benefits are FAR better than the normal stuff. This is an amazing find for me because I have deemed myself a "granola addict". Seriously, I can add granola to anything. You name it. But mostly I could just eat it plain, which is where the stuff kills me. With Galaxy Granola, it's not as "clumpy" so the desire to eat it straight out of the package is a little lost saving me lots of unnecessary granola food comas ;)

However, the taste is still there and it comes in so many different varieties, so it's hard to get sick of them.

This is Vanilla Almond and Raspberry (I also received Not-so-sweet Vanilla, but that one is loooong gone)
Hip-hip hurray for a new found Galaxy of Granola!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

San Francisco loving

I feel like my posts are getting few and far between but between work, friends, summer and sunshine I'm finding less and less time to sit in front of my computer! So I could feel guilty but really I'm still having a fabulous time and while my eating and workouts have potentially slacked from the way they used to, I don't think that I've lost all of the good habits that I picked up when I first started the blog, and I"m still feeling good!

As I said before work has been rather hectic and traveling has definitely been a part of it. Going back and forth between NYC, Boston and San Francisco is something that I'm still getting used to but just trying to make it as stable a transition as possible right now. I recently just returned from amazing San Francisco! San Francisco is pretty well known for their thai and asian food and so I did my fair share of testing the fare - and let me say it was de-licious! A few recommended spots in case you ever make your way out there:
1. Ozuma Sushi
2. The Slanted Door

and most importantly...

3. In-N-Out Burger! I'm normally not a big fan of fast food burgers but this was actually really good! I think probably because they toast the buns :)

Other than the spectacular restaurants, I was able to utilize the hotel menu a few times also

(Oatmeal with walnuts and bananas for breakfast)

- not to mention the mini bar staring at me for a few days. Man those prices are multipled by 5 what they should be, it's insane!

Until next time..!